Quality Policy

The final objectives that IDC-Indicom Document Care intends to pursue are the following:

Maximize business profit by minimizing costs
Serenity and tranquility in management
Continuity of productive life
Internal and external image of the company
Reduction and elimination of the probability of ruin of the company
The full satisfaction of its customers

To achieve the expected result, it will be necessary to strive for continuous improvement of the policy for the quality of the services provided and internal processes.

Improvement requires the involvement and participation of everyone and is based on some essential requirements:

The broad and frequent involvement of all employees is a fundamental prerequisite for continuous improvement.
Interfunctional activities are the tool to effectively achieve this involvement and therefore contribute to improvement.
As part of these activities, as in other working moments, ideas and proposals for improvements must be encouraged.
Technological and organizational innovation must be aimed not only at improving internal processes but also at consolidating the corporate image.
The success of Indicom’s mission passes through the professional and cultural improvement of individual resources at all levels.
Quality is the result of all the activities carried out in the company and therefore all company levels must contribute to the creation and implementation of an effective Quality Management System by participating in the control, prevention and continuous improvement of quality and the achievement of the objectives established by the Management.
The Quality System, in all its phases, will constitute a priority element for the Management, for the area managers and in general for all employees, who will have to ensure constant personal commitment in supporting the System and checking its progress .

With this in mind, the project to maintain certification in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard was launched.

Milan, 07/28/2020

The Board

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